Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

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Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

Beitrag von Bonne »

Respected Danish hard rock singer/songwriter Ronnie Atkins Official of Pretty Maids has announced the upcoming release of his new studio album, “Make It Count” on March 18, 2022. A new single and video, 'Unsung Heroes' is out today. Watch the video HERE:
Pre-order/save "Make It Count" on CD/LP/Digital HERE:
The electrifying melodic hard rock masterpiece "Make It Count" will be released almost one year to the day after the release of Atkins' last solo album, the critically acclaimed "One Shot".
Rather than hyperbole from the record label, we'll let Ronnie tell the story of "Make It Count" in his own words....
"Me and my great team of musicians followed exactly the same procedure as we did with "One Shot," since I still feel a bit like I am racing against time because of my diagnosis. So, I basically sent my songs to Chris [Laney, producer], who would then work on a demo. When we were satisfied with the arrangements, I would then record the vocals and then the individual musicians laid down their tracks. I already had quite a few ideas from when "One Shot" was released back in March 2021 and continued writing on and off through the spring and summer of 2021. The album was then recorded between April and October 2021," explains Atkins.
"Let me also state that I felt pretty good during the whole process, at least physically. 🙂 And this time, I had the chance to actually meet with some of the musicians in-person because the Covid-19 restrictions were not as tough as they were back in 2020 when we recorded the last album," adds Atkins.
As for the music, Ronnie says, "Once again it was quite an easy going process!! Some of the songs were written on piano and some of them on guitar. I write the way I write, which means that the melodies and toplines are the first priority. If I feel I got a good song with the right chord structure and a strong melody that sticks in my head, then I know I’m on to something good and from there it can only get better. 🙂. And that’s when I send it on to Chris Laney, who then listens to it with a new set of ears and comes back with his input about the arrangement and additional little bits and pieces. As said, it is an easy going process since we’re on the same page and that’s a great way of collaborating. Style wise, it’s basically just melodic pop/rock songs, so to speak, that we turn into something suitable for those who followed me all those years. To me, a good song is a good song and then it’s a matter of how you wrap it up."
He continues, "Finally, the great thing about doing this is that I don’t have to argue with anyone whether it’s too pop or too lightweight, etc. I do what I do, 'cause that’s what I like and I’m my own boss for these solo albums and therefore, also the only one to take responsibility if it doesn’t live up to people's expectations. But, this is what I wanna do at this stage of my life and I think I’m convinced that “Make It Count“ is a great melodic rock album and I hope the fans won’t be disappointed."
As to the lyrical themes on the album, Ronnie says, "The lyrics are always the hardest part of an album from my perspective!! It’s way easier for me to write a song than a lyric, to be honest. But of course it varies. Sometimes you already have the title and the topic when you’re writing the song and at other times you’re just out of ideas. This time, it was tough at times since my health issues are somehow in my subconsciousness 24/7. No matter what I do, I’m being confronted with it everyday one way or the other. So, some of the songs are touching on this issue of course, can’t help it. That said, I’m also trying to give it a positive twist, meaning that we just have to get the best out of life and love the one we’re with while we’re here. It’s just impossible to write about sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll or whatever living with a life threatening disease and a dagger hangin' above your head!!! Or it is for me, at least! So, bottom line, I guess the lyrical content on this album is partly about the aforementioned topics, the climate, and in general, topics that make sense to everyone without being political."
Since the start of his rock 'n roll journey with Pretty Maids, Ronnie Atkins has consistently gifted fans with quality, melodic rock and "Make It Count" delivers again in spades.
Ronnie Atkins: Lead and backing vocals
Chris Laney: Rhythm & Lead guitar, keyboards
Allan Sørensen: Drums
Pontus Egberg: Bass
Morten Sandager: Keyboards
Linnéa Vikström Egg: Backing vocals
John Berg: Guitars
Oliver Hartmann: Guitars
Pontus Norgren: Guitars
Anders Ringman: Acoustic guitars
1. I've Hurt Myself (By Hurting You)
2. Unsung Heroes
3. Rising Tide
4. Remain To Remind Me
5. The Tracks We Leave Behind
6. All I Ask Of You
7. Grace
8. Let Love Lead The Way
9. Blood Cries Out
10. Easier To Leave (Than Being Left Behind)
11. Fallen
12. Make It Count

Quelle: Frontiers Music

Dr. Dikk
Beiträge: 187
Registriert: Do 29. Okt 2020, 14:45

Re: Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

Beitrag von Dr. Dikk »

Gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut.
Ansonsten haben mir die Solo-Songs nicht so getaugt, aber das ist richtig anständig.
Außerdem einer der sympathischsten Zeitgenossen der ganzen Industrie.

Mal abseits der Musik eine Frage an die Social Media-Freunde hier:
Hat man in letzter Zeit von ihm etwas gehört bezüglich seines Gesundheitszustandes?

Beiträge: 2494
Registriert: So 26. Mai 2019, 17:49
Wohnort: Bad Wörishofen

Re: Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

Beitrag von djrene »

Die Nummer taugt mir auch. Ich mag es nicht, wenn er zu extrem zwischen seinen beiden Stimmarten switcht.

Zum Gesundheitszustand etwas aus dem September.
This month it’s been two years since I was diagnosed with cancer. The worst message ever and a devastating game changer both privately and professionally for obvious reasons.
But nevertheless I am from the bottom of my heart beyond grateful for still being around and being able to write these words to you !
So I thought it’s about time I’d give you a little update, since a lot of you out there has frequently asked in to my well being. I must admit that I didn’t always have the mental resources or for private reasons the desire to answer those questions.
However first and foremost I want you to know that I feel good these days and have done so for quite a while and for that I’m naturally truly happy 🙏
In principal my cancer has been at ease since April 2020 when I had the last radiation treatments.
In between there has been some red lights flashing now and then and I had to go through further investigations/examins but every time it came out with a good result so far.
I’m still getting immun therapy and going through the annual scans and following meetings with the oncologists every third month. And that I guess neither me or my family will ever get used to since it’s pretty unforeseeable and nerve wracking every time.
But that’s life and I know I’m in good hands and being looked after.
Finally let me once again express my gratitude to all of you good people out there for all the continuing love, support and prayers that you’ve send my way !!!
It means more to me than you’d ever know.
Much love and a blessed Sunday to all of you ❤️

Dr. Dikk
Beiträge: 187
Registriert: Do 29. Okt 2020, 14:45

Re: Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

Beitrag von Dr. Dikk »

Danke, René!
Das hört sich mal in Anbetracht der Umstände gar nicht so schlecht an.
Lungenkrebs in Stadium 4 ist schließlich kein Pappenstiel.

Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 27. Mai 2019, 14:31

Re: Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

Beitrag von Oli »

Toller Song... Klasse Sänger... Und ich habe auch Verständnis dafür, dass er in Anbetracht seiner Gesundheit
Solo-Alben herausbringt, um im Schlimmsten aller Fälle der Nachwelt was eigenständiges zu hinterlassen, ohne
dass der Hammer darüber schwingt. :twisted:

Aber mal ganz im Ernst: der Song könnte doch genau so 1:1 auf einer Pretty Maids - Scheibe zu finden sein.
Ich finde es bei Solo-Alben immer ganz gut, wenn der Künstler andere Stile interpretiert und nicht seine
Stamm-Kombo, zumindest teilweise, koopiert.
Das finde ich manchmal etwas sinnfrei... und ich ertappe mich gleich selbst bei einem Widerspruch:
Bei Kent Hilli hast mir das kaum was ausgemacht. ;-) :twisted:

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Registriert: Do 23. Mai 2019, 11:06

Re: Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

Beitrag von Heiko »

Ganz nett....mehr aber nicht

Beiträge: 2071
Registriert: Do 23. Mai 2019, 11:06

Re: Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

Beitrag von Heiko »

Beiträge: 2071
Registriert: Do 23. Mai 2019, 11:06

Re: Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

Beitrag von Heiko »


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Registriert: So 26. Mai 2019, 18:26

Re: Ronnie Akins - Make I Count

Beitrag von saschaal »

Ist Poppig ( Abba scheint im Moment allgegenwärtig)

aber ein Spitzen Song
