Night Flight Orchestra + One Desire

Konzerthinweise, Tourtermine, Berichte von Konzertbesuchen, DVD Veröffentlichungen, usw.

Moderator: chhe66de

Beiträge: 464
Registriert: Mo 27. Mai 2019, 07:08

Re: Night Flight Orchestra + One Desire

Beitrag von jensi08 »

Ich gehe auch von einer Absage aus. Die 1000 Leute Grenze wird früher oder später abgesenkt. Oder die Band zieht die Reißlinie. Aber es gibt nichts offizielles, ich hab mein Zimmer auch noch nicht storniert.

Beiträge: 464
Registriert: Mo 27. Mai 2019, 07:08

Re: Night Flight Orchestra + One Desire

Beitrag von jensi08 »

With a heavy heart, we have to postpone our European headline tour dates with ONE DESIRE.

The cabin crew states:
“Hello all you Midnight Flyers!
We’re all extremely sad to inform you that we have to cancel the remaining dates of the Aeromantic Experience.tour, at least the part on the European continent . Due to circumstances beyond our control (i.e. the Corona virus and the various restricitions that it’s brought upon us), we simply can’t continue. Alhough we tried until the very end.
Thank you so much to all of you who came out to see us, who danced your asses off and shared the euphoria. We love you. The remaining dates will be rescheduled, and hopefully we’ll even get to revisit a few places again.
On a positive note, we’ve already booked studio time, and we’ll enter the studio as soon as we get home. Even though we’re currently prevented from touring, we’ll make sure we’ll come to you in some way or form - not only sound wise but also visually. No one can tell how long this whole situation will go on, but we promise that we’ll keep bringing The Aeromantic Experience to you, no matter what happens.“

Pic by : Maryline Stein

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Beiträge: 592
Registriert: Di 21. Mai 2019, 17:34

Re: Night Flight Orchestra + One Desire

Beitrag von chhe66de »

danke für die Info !
